See, black women are sensitive creatures. Dealing with the legacy of slavery, oppression, and racism will do that to you. Black women are used to being the mules of the world and having been so ordered, these women carry everyone. They carry families, friends, finances, failure, faith, you name it, a black woman has carried it. Black women are used to being the first one on the scene and the last one to leave the scene. However, even with the work ethic of the black woman, the recognition is also the least. Mules get no credit. Not a thank you for the hard work. No thanks for carrying Sir wherever he needed to go. Historically speaking, mules get no love, no appreciation, no decoration. The Bible makes it clear that mules are the last on the totem pole because the Bible makes a big deal about Jesus riding in on a donkey. I guess when the King of Kings utilizes the lowest of the low, it's something to be noted.
In this same manner, the world uses black women. When the media wants to show anger, they profile an "angry black woman." When the media wants to spotlight loneliness, they profile a "single black woman." When the news wants to show fear, they profile a "lonely black woman." Ghetto? See "black woman." Dang, black women are the worst of the worst.
Or are they?
Faith? Who has carried the black church since its inception? The black woman. Success? Who has taken care of house, home, and her career? The black woman. You see, the black woman does it all and never asks for gratitude. The black woman never does what she wants to do, but always what she has to do.
And now, black women are the new "hot topic." The one on everyone's mind. The media is beginning to wonder if the black woman will be able to recover from the latest onslaught of negative attention.
Guess what?
We have, we will, and will again. #CheckOurLegacy
We are:
Harriet Tubman
Ida B Wells
Mary Church Terrell
Dorothy Irene Height
Mary McLeod Bethune
Oprah Winfrey
Toni Morrison
Michelle Obama
Alice Walker
Rae Lewis-Thornton
Zora Neale Hurston
Google us.
So what if I am a black woman?
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